It’s hard to believe how far we’ve come. We launched just a few years ago with our surveillance drones, and in this short amount of time, we’ve retooled cutting-edge artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, such as deep learning and convolution neural networks, into hardware systems that governments and peace-keeping agencies can use to keep their troops safe. No more sending our brave patriots home in coffins. Now the artificial intelligence does all of the work. Our autonomous weapons are small, fast, accurate, and unstoppable.
And they are just the beginning. Smart swarms. Adaptive adversarial learning. On-the-field robust target prioritization. AI-powered tactics and strategy a Go master would envy. This is the future of peacekeeping.

About the technology
Our Autonomous anti-Personnel Systems (APS) employ an array of cutting edge AI technology, including:
- Obstacle avoidance: the neural network copied into every APS has been trained through the equivalent of millions of hours in varied simulated environments to avoid obstacles, even when they are in motion.
- Stochastic movements: trained on thousands of movies of mosquitoes and other flying insects, our drones will defeat any attempt to anticipate their flight patterns.
- Efficient munitions: using precise targeting, we are able to drive the size of a projectile and propellant to a bare minimum.
- Facial recognition: it’s in your iPhone and it’s in APS, along with parallel networks to identify targets by gait, gender, uniform, even ethnicity.
- Multiple self-location protocols: along with GPS, our APSs use a variety of proprietary technologies to locate themselves in space.
- Incommunicado and EMP hardened: once an APS gets flying, there is no way to stop it electromagnetically by jamming, spoofing, zapping, or anything else.
- Big data links: we’ve acquired and consolidated a host of data sets. Using our servers you can reliably tie individuals to their individual characteristics for later targeting. We’d tell you more, but as the joke goes, then we’d have to kill you. (And of course, since you’ve visited this site we know exactly who you are.) Again, just kidding!